Flores Presentes ✨Decoração Presente em Todos os momentos de sua vida das. Ligue para pedidos de segunda a sexta-feira, das 21h às 17h.
As regas devem ser frequentes mas com cuidado para encharcar o substrato 🚨 Folhas amareladas podem indicar excesso de água
✅ Aprecia uma luz natural mas não deve tomar sol diretamente.
O cróton é uma planta famosa pela coloração de suas folhagens, que normalmente variam entre tons de vermelho, laranja e amarelo, e tem aquela capacidade de dar vida extra aos ambientes.
Love this place. Amazing service, delicious dishes. Love the Poutine burger - an amazing take on a Québécois classic. The jerk wings are an amazing starter.
While visiting family on the Front Range, Samples was recommended as a great place for a healthful and tasty lunch. They were absolutely right! Great food, and excellent service from Arela, definitely made Samples a memorable spot, one we will return to the next time we're in the area. Highly recommended!
Not bad. Kinda expensive for what you get. Decent food. Decent service. $80+ for lunch and 4 drinks. :)
Several of the best recipes were taken off of the menu or changed, and the overall quality seems to have gone down since last fall. The overall vibe of the restaurant is very nice, but it seems as though the food is nowhere near as amazing as it used to be.